We had a pleasure to be a part of Ashley and Jonathan's wedding. They are so amazing together and we can't thank them enough for a wonderful time we had together during their engagement session in the mountains.
Ashley and Jonathan we wish you lots of happiness in the future!
They love story:
"Well it wasn't all butterflies and smiles at first, we first met when we were 16. Jonathan showed up at our campfire with some friends, and he started drinking. So me being the responsible Ashley I am, I took away his keys. He thought I was being charming but really I thought he was an idiot at the time. He ended up sleeping In his truck that night and we exchanged our numbers and the rest was history!
It wasn't till I got sick with ovarian cancer that I really fell in love with Jonathan. He was the most kind, loving soul around. He always listened even if I just complained and bitched about my life. Most importantly he didn't look at me like I was the 'sick one'. He treated me normal, and I liked that about our relationship. He could also tell me I should relax and I wouldn't take offence. He did fun things with me even though I was a bald headed lady. I remember him taking me and my cousin Stephanie 4X4ing in the sand duns and we got stuck in his small little Sonoma. Being so sensitive to sunlight due to the treatments I had to stay in the door, I remember dying of laughter, and simply feeling like a normal 17 year old. Most people would look at me with sad eyes and feel so sorry for me but Jonathan look at me like I was still "Ashley". Not everything was perfect in our relationship we had some rough patches, but what kept me striving for success in our relationship was how Jonathan would take ownership of his mistakes and work really hard to be better man. We dated for 7 years before Jonathan knelled down on one knee asking me to be his wife. His proposal was simple but totally 'us'! As the wedding day approaches I can't wait to walk down the aisle to marry my best friend. Jonathan is the person who knows when I just need his shoulder to literally cry and snot all over, he knows when I need extra love. I believe we compliment each other and i simply can't imagine marrying anybody else. I am excited for all our "first's" and I simply can't imagine doing them with anyone but Jonathan Michael-Scott Witney."

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